Are you a Republican, a Democrat or do you vote by your conscience? I have voted in many elections over the years and I have voted for Republicans and I have voted for Democrats. In one election, I even voted for an Independent because I thought that he was the best man. Did I waste my vote? Maybe? I believe that there should be a box on every ballet that indicates your choice as, "Non of the above." If this box ended up being the Majority Vote, then the parties would have to go ...
Turn out the lights. This Party is over. Boy, am I going to be "hung-over" tomorrow. I've tried very hard to listen to both the, Republicans and Democrats, and what they have to say, so as I can make an intelligent decision come election day. Tonight the Republican Convention came to a close and I found myself feeling very frustrated and a bit depressed. I'm thinking, I've watched both Party's convention and I haven't learned a damn thing. These two Candidates just keep ragging on eac...
I've been wondering, are Political Polls really helpful? Are we getting more information then we need? How many times have your heard, "No, I'm not going to vote, my candidate has it in the bag. "Or vise-versa, "No, my candidate hasn't got a chance in hell." I mean, if the results of a game are already known, why play? It's not like sports, where you get a 7 point spot, and there is still a chance of an upset. We're not talking Las Vegas odds here. There are no upsets, in politics, 95...
2004 Election Issue!! This must be an issue in "2004". Please! Keep it going. ---------------------------------- SOCIAL SECURITY: (This is worth reading. It is short and to the point.) Perhaps we are asking the wrong questions during election years. Our Senators and Congresswomen do not pay into Social Security and, of course, they do not collect from it. You see, Social Security benefits were not suitable for persons of their rare elevation in society. They felt they shoul...
There are times that we get caught up in our own little world that we miss some of the fringe stuff. Please allow me to give you some impartial, observations from this window. I don't remember as many books being written about a President, seeking a second term before. Negative Books with titles such as, Worse Then Watergate." "Plan Of Attack" "Exporting American" "Losing America" "License To Steel" "Against All Enemies" And that is just to name a few. ...
Please don't get me wrong, he gave a rousing speech last night. No doubt about it. What a great cheerleader. He can tell some great stories too. He had people chanting and clapping their Texas boots off. I found myself captured by the enthusiasm of the moment. I had a smile on my face. I was sitting on the edge of my seat. I almost forgot that I was listening to a Convention speech. Hell, I wanted to go to the Country that he was talking about. As Governor, does "Arnold" still live...
Polsters are ruining the intrigue of the Election process. Yes, they predicted that it was going to be a close race. It is! All the, Red States, voted for Bush, just as they predicted. Yaaahhhhhhhnn! All the, Blue States, voted for Kerry. just as they predicted. Yaaahhhhhhhnn again. Sure enough, the Swing States, were/are, swinging. I was looking for some, upsets, tonight. You know: ie, a predicted Blue State, instead voting Red. "Upset!" But No! It's gone just as the Polsters ...
I can't believe this nonsense and they keep getting away with it. It's getting absolutely rediculous. I just read this article on MSNBC. (address; How can Florida continue to be so mismanaged and yet no one's head swings from the yard-arm?
I've read several articles regarding Florida, and how they may have not worked out all the kinks yet in their voting system. Excuse Me!!!!! (Disclaimer: This Post is in no way meant to pass judgement or insult the citizenship of Florida. You are merely functioning in the system as it exists.) I am astounded at the fact that Florida might have problems once again at the election poles. Are you kidding me? They've had four years to straighten things out. Do you realize, how muc...
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