Red States vs. Blue States
Published on November 3, 2004 By Insightful In Politics
Polsters are ruining the intrigue of the Election process. Yes, they predicted that it was going to be a close race.
It is!
All the, Red States, voted for Bush, just as they predicted.
All the, Blue States, voted for Kerry.
just as they predicted.
Yaaahhhhhhhnn again.
Sure enough, the Swing States, were/are, swinging.

I was looking for some, upsets, tonight. You know: ie, a predicted Blue State, instead voting Red. "Upset!"
But No!
It's gone just as the Polsters predicted.

We could of saved a lot of time, energy, and money if only the Swing States voted, letting the Red and the Blue States remain as the polsters predicted.

If we could get the Polsters somehow involved in Football, and other sports, the teams wouldn't even have to bother playing the games.
The upside of that is, it would save on injuries.

Polsters are taking away all the mystery and suspense. In my view, why bother?
No Upsets?????

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