The "art" of speaking without commitment.
Turn out the lights. This Party is over.
Boy, am I going to be "hung-over" tomorrow.
I've tried very hard to listen to both the, Republicans and Democrats, and what they have to say, so as I can make an intelligent decision come election day.
Tonight the Republican Convention came to a close and I found myself feeling very frustrated and a bit depressed. I'm thinking, I've watched both Party's convention and I haven't learned a damn thing. These two Candidates just keep ragging on each other and as a consequence, nothing of substance has come to light.
But then again, maybe that is by design.
You must admit, if all the rhetoric consists of vituperation towards the other Party and their candidate, then no real issues are addressed.
We cannot agree or disagree with anyone if we don't know their stance or what there agenda might be, right?
We know that we are at war in Iraq. Whether we were right or wrong in going there is no longer at issue. The fact is, we're there.
I simply want to know what the plan is for bringing it to a moral and acceptable end.
We are all aware that the economy appears to be stuck in a "limbo", so to speak. I need this addressed too.
Healthcare coverage, Prescription drugs, just to throw out a few more topics of interest.
But as long as we allow these two, Gentleman and their Party, to keep hammering at one another, I'm afraid that we may never know, what their plans are.
I get so frustrated with this bickering of theirs, that I could just scream!!!!
"Ok Children, now lets make nice."
They both should be sent to their rooms and not be allowed out until they've got something to say............about issues, not each other.
Kerry: "get some (gonads) man, and take a stand on something,....anything!"
I'll listen.
And get some color too. You're way too bland.
Bush: "Give me something to chew-on." Give me something that I can
actually get my teeth into. Quit being so vague and secretive, as if everything revolves around National Security.
It doesn't you know.
Gosh! I hope I feel better tomorrow.