They've lost 60,000 Absentee Ballots
Published on October 27, 2004 By Insightful In Politics

I can't believe this nonsense and they keep getting away with it. It's getting absolutely rediculous.
I just read this article on MSNBC.

How can Florida continue to be so mismanaged and yet no one's head swings from the yard-arm?

on Oct 27, 2004
Do you think they will turn up with the Rose Law Firm billing records?
on Oct 27, 2004
You know, Florida during an election reminds me of a spoiled kid trying to be the center of attention even if it's negative attention. Do you suppose we could all get together and ground Florida from voting for the next, say, 4 Presidential Elections? Nah, they'd just sneek out the window and vote for some third world dictator to defy us!
on Oct 27, 2004

I would lay odds against that ever happening.


I want to see some people go to jail over this.
As for an answer to Florida's shenanigan's, refer to my post, FLORIDA......Again.