Insightful's Articles In Current Events
August 27, 2004 by Insightful
I keep hearing the Bush Administration continue to say, over and over, that the economy is growing. But I seem to be lost on what he is talking about. Maybe my interpretation of the economy is different then the one President Bush uses. I use the word, economy, that I found in the Websters Dictionary. Please, I am not living in a shell or a cacoon here. I have friends through out this fine country of ours. I have friends from college that live in the south, norht, east and west. At the sa...
August 29, 2004 by Insightful
There are events taking place on our planet that are kind of important and most people don't seem to be paying attention. 1.) North Korea has a nuclear program, and has the capabilities to hit our west coast, but we attacked Iraq. Why was that? 2.) The U.S. is despised through-out most of the world. Why? 3.) China's economy is growing at a frantic pace as well as their thirst for oil. How might that effect our economy? Could their growth be at our expense? 4.) There's the, Jobless...
September 22, 2004 by Insightful
The "Main Stream media" is waking up. Bloggers are being recognized as something to be reckoned with. The media is beginning to realize, they better get it right, or............... Bloggers can take pride in forcing CBS to do the right thing. Apologize! For their blunder in judgment!!!!!! Can you imagine that? It has recently come to my attention that a member of our community (JoeUser bloggers) is in need of some help. He's fallen on some difficult times, and there's more out th...
September 17, 2004 by Insightful
Ever look at People's Magazine's list of, Most Beautiful People and go,.......huh? I mean, how do some of these people make this list? To give but one example, "Dale Earnhardt Jr." This guy is ordinary at best. Sure he's a successful race car driver, but beyond that, he's just another guy. If you passed him on the street or at your high school, you wouldn't give him a second look. Now don't get me wrong, I'm a big race car guy. I enjoy watching auto racing from Formula One, to th...
September 10, 2004 by Insightful
No! This piece is not about terrorism from abroad. Rather, it's about the paranoia that persists and how we relate to one another here at home. I was out riding my bike today. (It helps with stress, the bonus is, it keeps my weight within 8 lbs. of my 21st birthday.) Anyway, while on my ride, I came upon this young boy that had just taken a spill on his bike. He was about 12 years of age. I stopped to see if he was ok? He said, "yeah, I'm alright." I asked, "what happened?" ...
September 8, 2004 by Insightful
No! This piece is not about terrorism from abroad. Rather, it's about the paranoia that persists and how we relate to one another here at home. I was out riding my bike today. (It helps with stress, the bonus is, it keeps my weight within 8 lbs. of my 21st birthday.) Anyway, while on my ride, I came upon this young boy that had just taken a spill on his bike. He was about 12 years of age. I stopped to see if he was ok? He said, "yeah, I'm alright." I asked, "what happened?" "...
September 24, 2004 by Insightful
This Presidential Election stuff has really gotten out of hand. Almost every blog produced that favors one candidate or the other, becomes a war zone. Feelings and passions are right out there out on the surface. Questioning one's candidate is just short of attacking one's child or starting rumors about someone's mother. "whew"   "Who says our country isn't split?" I've been around for more elections then many of you, but I never remember it becoming so....................vile. ...
September 16, 2004 by Insightful
Ok, I believe that I have written some relevant articles that have, for most part, gone unnoticed. So let me trivialize on a subject that will not change the World Order. "Male vs. Female Bartenders" Now let me begin by laying the ground rules. I am suggesting that both the male and female bartenders, are 8's, on a scale from 1 to 10, regarding their looks, as to being attractive and charming. So..............both are equal so far, right? Now, the female bartender relies on her ass...
September 11, 2004 by Insightful
Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 500 employees and has the following statistics: * 29 have been accused of spousal abuse *7 have been arrested for fraud * 19 have been accused of writing bad checks * 117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses * 3 have done time for assault *71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit *14 have been arrested on drug-related charges *8 have been arrested for shoplifting ...