Published on September 16, 2004 By Insightful In Current Events
Ok, I believe that I have written some relevant articles that have, for most part, gone unnoticed.
So let me trivialize on a subject that will not change the World Order.

"Male vs. Female Bartenders"
Now let me begin by laying the ground rules.
I am suggesting that both the male and female bartenders, are 8's, on a scale from 1 to 10, regarding their looks, as to being attractive and charming.
So..............both are equal so far, right?

Now, the female bartender relies on her assets, and flirts with the guys, to bring in the tips and keep customers coming back.

The male bartender is like the character, in the movie "Cocktail."
(I cannot believe how many young people have not seen this great bar movie.)
He can flip bottles, he can catch glasses behind his back, he can even bounce a, shaker off the floor and have it land in the sink for washing.

The female bartender is not the fastest bartender on wheels either. But she keeps you smiling and hoping. She totally misses, the couple, down the bar that need refills because she continues flirting with these two other guys.

The male bartender is like lightning. He makes sure your ashtray never has more then two butts in it and he covers the ashtray properly when changing it.

Meanwhile, the female bartender moves up and down the bar, looking as cute as can be. She tries to look attentive, but always seems distracted. When talking sports, the female bartender might say, "I like the team with the blue uniforms."
Don't laugh! I was in a bar when I heard this in person.

Now I understand that your replies might be slightly prejudice, depending on, if your a male or female, and whether or not you're a bartender.
But try and be honest.

Due to my job, I'm a restaurant and club customer on a regularly basis. While the above context might seem slanted, I have found it to be true in most cases.
Male bartenders seem to work harder at being a good bartender, while female bartenders have a tendency to rely on their assets.
Not all!!......Let me make that clear. There is always the pleasant exception.

The best bartender I ever saw was, a man that was clearly in a league of his own. He was an older gent, (probably a #5) but talented up the kazoomba. He could flip bottles and shakers. He could make fire drinks. He could do, slight of hand tricks. He could talk with you about the lastest articles in the Wallstreet Journal, or politics or sports. The man was truly amazing.
His bar was a real event.

So which bartender fits better for you?

on Sep 17, 2004
The one that sells the most drinks.
on Sep 17, 2004
You must be a bar owner!
on Sep 18, 2004
I have seen several good female bartenders, mostly older. Personally, I don't get into the showmanship of the tender, I just want my damn drink and fairly

That being said, I hate female bartenders that hang out at the other end of the bar flirting. They should have your back. But, I have seen a few male bartenders do it, too. Of the two that you presented, the male bartender is far better.

But the ones I have found best are usually the 40-something female bartenders with little "flair", a good listening ear, and a strong desire to do their job right.
on Sep 18, 2004
As you suggest, a 40 something, female bartender, is usually pretty good at her craft. The fact that she continues to tend bar, is a testiment that she's learned what the customers expect.
on Sep 19, 2004
You have used the word DO wrong on your article. It should read, DUE to my job. You have DO to my job.
on Sep 19, 2004
Thank you for noticing.
How does one become an anonymous user?
on Sep 27, 2004
no affiliation with the site?

I dunno, good bartender is one that can pass me a drink asap and look like they're having a good time running around.
on Sep 27, 2004

Kool! I can agree with that.
on Sep 30, 2004
I don't know, the last *great* bartender I had was a lady who was probably about 40 or so. She wasn't the flirt type, but she was friendly and quick with ashtray/snack bowl refills, and her drink mixing abilities were superior.

The key question for me is experience, and this lady obviously knew how to make good quality drinks from having made them for a long time. The cutey-pie flirt bartender gets old to me after awhile -- I usually go to a bar to hang out with friends, not be a player.
on Oct 01, 2004
I think you might be one of the few.
The last bartender I had.... I don't remember. (smacks forehead) OMG it's been THAT LONG?!