Where might one find this secret economy?
Published on August 27, 2004 By Insightful In Current Events
I keep hearing the Bush Administration continue to say, over and over, that the economy is growing. But I seem to be lost on what he is talking about. Maybe my interpretation of the economy is different then the one President Bush uses. I use the word, economy, that I found in the Websters Dictionary.

Please, I am not living in a shell or a cacoon here. I have friends through out this fine country of ours. I have friends from college that live in the south, norht, east and west. At the same time, I have some blue collar friends that I went to high school with.

Most of us keep in touch by phone or email, and I must admit, not as often as we should. We laugh and take care of the the usual salutations and the like, but eventually we get down to, "how are things going for you?" How's the job? You still working at, Dada dada? What's going on where you're at, etc?
The feed back that I get, is the same no matter who I might be communicating with. It's not so good.

I have one buddy down in the Houston area that was a Property Manager for some Corporation. Not exactly small potatoes.
Today, he sells jewelry at a Department Store.

I have another friend that was an Auto Techician. He decided that his back couldn't take leaning over the cars anymore so he went back to school. He went into I.T. and had a great job for about year and a half. Then they shipped his job over to India.
He asked me, "how many times am I supposed to retrain for another career?" He's not a young guy anymore so you might say, his time is running out.

Yep! They say the economy is growing, but I'm beginning to wonder where, that economy, might be that they're talking about?

Sure, Mr. Bush says that he feels that every one that wants to work, should be able to find a job.
Hey! But what kind of job?
I'm talking about a career job, not slinging hamburgers or working in a resale store.

I'm not fishing in one pond. I believe that I am fishing in several ponds, but I'm not catching any fish. No fish worth keeping anyway.

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