I can't take Arnold seriously.
Published on September 1, 2004 By Insightful In Politics
Please don't get me wrong, he gave a rousing speech last night.
No doubt about it.
What a great cheerleader. He can tell some great stories too.
He had people chanting and clapping their Texas boots off. I found myself captured by the enthusiasm of the moment. I had a smile on my face. I was sitting on the edge of my seat.
I almost forgot that I was listening to a Convention speech.
Hell, I wanted to go to the Country that he was talking about.

As Governor, does "Arnold" still live in Hollywood?
I only ask because he was definitely into his role last night.

As his speech came to a close, I fell back to earth. The reality of the real world descended upon me. The script he used was simply awesome. It had all the ear-marks of a motivational speech.

But "Arnold" is the "Terminator," The real "Action Hero". He's the best, "Special Forces" commando, that the military has ever seen.
Arnold is macho and bravado and he's Da-Man. No one can call him, a "Girlie Man" for sure.
Well ok, maybe Claude van Damm could, or Bruce Lee if he were still alive.

But he's also an actor folks! He can go into any type, character, or role, depending on what the situation calls for.
Over the years, I have enjoyed many of his films. And I must admit, he's a better actor then I ever gave him credit for.
He was simply spectacular last night.

But the movie is over folks. It's time to put our feet back on the ground, pick up our popcorn container and leave the theatre.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 04, 2004
Muggaz & Daiwa

Being that I seemed to have lost control of this Forum and we've drifted from the subject of "Arnold" to talk of Vegas and Hitler.

Let me go out on a limb here. But first let me clarify that "Hitler" was a very bad man and a criminal of the worst kind.

So that being said,
Hitler had to of been a great, "Actor" and "Public Speaker."
I mean, how else could he have convinced so many people and countries to follow him, with his sadistic idea of the World order?
on Sep 04, 2004
Well said Insightful!
...and Diawa...also well said. While I am not an Arnold fan, he has performed fairly well so far in a very difficult position - speaches aside. California's problems are not going to be fixed by one man however, and it will definately have to be a collective effort.
on Sep 04, 2004
Hitler had to of been a great, "Actor" and "Public Speaker."
I mean, how else could he have convinced so many people and countries to follow him, with his sadistic idea of the World order?

Just an F.Y.I.
You know in the Sociology book there was an example of a test a guy did to figure out why so many people went along with Hitler down into the depths a sadistic evil. Basically the guy tested to see how far somebody would go with reassurance and threatening someone's life with the torture. The torture method he used was an electric chair that could send varying amounts of amps/volts/ohms (Electronic Engineers can tell you the specfic on what kills you) that is adminstered by the person being tested, just so they have fear planted into them of the chair, he sat them in the chair and shocked them, than they had the person being tested stand at the control panel as an actor came out and sat in the chair, the actor was supposed to repeat some many words and phrases that the tester said, if he got it wrong he was to be zapped by the testee. This test should that with reassurance and the fear of being zapped, the testees would continue with the test and went to high voltages, of course while the actor acted like he was getting shocked, so his test shows that people will follow authority, of course there were few, but most went along.

Straight Opinion
As for a good public speaker, I guess you can say that about an Presidential Candidate, except Hitler played on the depression, much in the same way FDR did, except Hitler used a scapegoat, the Jewish people and National Pride, while FDR did not he instead used more of a Socialist view of working for the COMMON Good (but don't discount the Nazi Rallies held in the United States by the American Nazi Party during the 1920s-30s, they had quite a healthy following, which is scary)

Reagan was an actor as well, and we all know the outcome it had, so let's hope an amendment gets past so Arnold can run for Presinator for '08, or you could have Jackie Chan, Jean Claude Van Damme (He's Belgian, but I think he does have his US Citzenship), Dave Lister (because Arnie Rimmer is a Smeghead) etc. What about Hulk Hogan or Jesse Ventura?
How about lowering the age limit a bit so we can have hot twenty-something female actresses in the white house as President, oh well I can dream can't I.
on Sep 05, 2004

Insightful, your points are well-taken by me. In my initial response, I TRIED to stick to the topic of your blog, but someone else wanted to change the topic for God Knows what selfish reason. You deserve better consideration than that.
I hope people keep in mind that in the 30's, conservative politicians in America wanted to embrace Hitler. Charles Lindbergh was a personal friend of his. After the war, you didn't hear much from him or the people who wanted to embrace Adolf.
Finally, I just would like to remind people that it isn't Democrats who put actors or wrestlers into the political spotlight.
Insightful, I'm sorry for straying but I felt those points had to be made.
Keep up the good blogs!
on Sep 05, 2004
Personally, I think this whole October 2003 recall thing was a joke.

First of all, why does the recall limit have to be set at 1 million signatures in such a big state like California??
And second of all, the Republicans must be stupid to think that they'll get anything passed over the Dems in California. Actually, with Cruz Bustamante still as Lt. Governor, Arnold is stuck in a problem.

And by the way, that stupid comment about Arnold's movie name and how Democrats should've been in that movie---cold---Arnold: you were in that movie. Face the facts.
on Sep 05, 2004
Good points Anne Alogy!
on Sep 29, 2004
Charisma and good looks as well as a charming and supportive wife will get you farther than a Harvard Law Degree. Let's also not get into the fact he pushes the envelope with the whole immigrant-to-office thing. It works for some people. Personally? I don't think I've ever seen him talk.
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